Cycle #0

Cyclepunk Life ($BIKE)
9 min readNov 28, 2021


We are delighted to announce that the CyclePunk app is now live, with Cycle 0 starting today and 2 ETH available for rewards this week! You can access the app here — please read on for more details about how the app works and our concept of Cycles.

What are Cycles?

A Cycle in Cyclepunk is a period of time in which your biking activities will be counted, and points will be awarded. Each Cycle is indicated by a Cycle number, start date and time, and end date andtime. For now, Cycles will be one week long.

All activities that you log into Strava will be added to the Cycle in which activities occur. For example, Cycle #0 starts on the 29th of November at 00:00:01 and ends on the 5th of December at 23:59:59. So if you ride your bike on the 2nd of December, this activity will be added to Cycle #0, but if you ride on the 6th of December, this will count towards Cycle #1.

What are Buckets?

We want to make sure our reward distribution system is fair, so we will group people into four buckets.


This is the first bucket. Every cyclist starts each Cycle in this bucket. This bucket earns no rewards and you would need to complete some activities to advance to the next bucket.


This is the second bucket, and the first that starts making you money. Cyclists in this bucket will share 10% of total awards for the Cycle (week).

To be placed into the Rolling bucket you will need a minimum of 6 points.

If calculated awards for the Rolling bucket are greater than half the Fit awards, then Rolling awards will be set to one-half of the Fit awards.


The Fit bucket will share 30% of total awards for the Cycle (week). You will need at least 11 points to be placed into the Fit bucket.

If calculated awards for the Fit bucket are greater than half the Elite awards, then Fit awards bucket will be set to one-half of the Elite awards.


Elite will be for people who cycle the most. Elite cyclists will share 60% of total weekly awards. To qualify for the Elite bucket you will have to score more than 20 points.

Here’s a summary of points required per Cycle for bucket eligibility.

Bucket / Points

Unqualified / 0–5

Rolling / 6–10

Fit / 11–20

Elite / 21+

Example Cycle

Let’s say we have a theoretical Cycle with a total of 1 ETH for awards.

Rewards per bucket will be:

  • Rolling 0.1 ETH
  • Fit 0.3 ETH
  • Elite 0.6 ETH

Let’s say we have 25 cyclists in the three awards-eligible Buckets: 10 in Rolling, 10 in Fit and 5 in Elite. Rewards per wallet would be as follows:

  • 0.01 ETH for each cyclist in the Rolling bucket (0.1ETH divided by 10 cyclists)
  • 0.03 ETH for each cyclist in the Fit bucket (0.3ETH divided by 10 cyclists)
  • 0.12 ETH for each cyclist in the Elite bucket (0.6ETH divided by 5 cyclists)


So you may be wondering, “How do I earn points?”

For Cycle #0 points are calculated like this:

  • for every 20km / 12.4miles you earn 1 point
  • for every 2 activities you earn 1 point

For example, if in a Cycle you bike 120 km during five activities, you will earn 6 points for distance and 2 points for activities, for a total of 8 points in total, making you eligible for the Rolling bucket and your pro-rata share of the Rolling bucket prize.

Points earned during the current Cycle will reset to zero for each new Cycle.

How many $BIKE do you need?

We still have not decided how much $BIKE tokens are needed to participate in the bucket reward system. For now, you will be able to participate and have your activities synced without any $BIKE, but at the end of the Cycle (week) we will require some amount before prizes can be added to your balance.

One thing is for sure, the amount of $BIKE needed will be adjustable, so that we can account for possible price fluctuations of $BIKE.

For now, some kind of rough estimate is around 0.01–0.03 ETH in $BIKE and we will certainly take the community’s feedback into consideration on this requirement.


You can access the Cyclepunk app now @ To be able to use it, you will need a Metamask wallet installed as a browser extension. If you do not have one, you can get it here.

You will also need a account. For Strava you can use a free subscription, but if you are into cycling you will probably want — or already have — a premium Strava account for extra features.

Logging in

First you need to connect your wallet. To do this click on Connect with Metamask card.

Your Metamask wallet should popup now. There you can choose what wallet you want to connect. Feel free to create new one before, if you are worried about any funky business here.

After connecting with your wallet you need to click the Sign button.

After clicking Sign, your login screen should look like this.

Clicking on Connect with Strava will open, where you will have to login to your Strava account (if already not logged in) and give permissions for Cyclepunk to retrieve your data.

For now, we require both scopes, so you need to have checked “View data about private activities.” Under the Data section in this blog post, there will be more details about this option.

After you click Authorize, you will be redirected to the dashboard.

Dashboard shows you:

  • Cycle start and end dates
  • Cycle total prize: 2ETH for Cycle #0
  • Your points for this cycle. Total points and separated distance and activities points
  • Your total distance and total activities in this cycle
  • Buckets and data for each bucket. Bucket name, total awards for a bucket, wallets in this bucket and award per wallet.
  • Balance. This is 0 for now, and will be updated once awards are snapshotted using a separate contract. Here you will be able to claim awards you have earned.

Activities screen will list all your activities. When you connect to Strava we will pull 4 weeks of activities if you have any.

Activities are grouped into weeks again so you can easily track your weekly progress.

Awards screen will be empty for now. When you claim your balance of awards, this is where transactions will be stored, so you can transparently see all claims you have made. For now, this screen looks like this:

Clicking Logout you will be redirect to login.


Data about your activities is pulled to the app once you register. After registering each activity you do in Strava will automatically sync with Cyclepunk. Strava is sending this data in realtime and we are picking it up. If for some reason data does not come to the app, we have ability to pull it on demand. If this happens, we can do this to support you. is source of all truth. If your activities are stored inside Strava, we can always pull it down.


We initially set scopes to be able to read your private activities. Today some of our members of the Telegram group already received app access for testing and gave us feedback that this should maybe be moved to public activities only.

My reasoning for private was to award cyclist that don’t want to be identified on Strava’s social timeline, but still want to earn Cyclepunk awards. This is not something that is set in stone, and we for sure request your feedback about this.


For Cycle #0 algorithm for points is simple as it gets. We can argue that this is not that good, and I would agree on that.

We think of Cycle #0 as an experimental Cycle. After we collect more data from your activities we will use this data to tweak the algorithm.

What will be added for sure:

  • points for elevation gain (pondering distance) because riding on hills is more difficult
  • minimum distance per activity before an activity is counted for activity point
  • anything else we get from your feedback or data collected will be suggested

Also, we will see after some time the awards being earned by cyclists, and we’ll keep good measure just to make sure the amount of awards granted are not too little or too much.

App V1 and future work

Ok, this is the first version of the awards app, and this is the worst version you will ever download, because every additional version will be improved. We will work on this constantly by taking your feedback into consideration, and try to make the app as usable as it can be for you. We already received some feedback today. Things that will be added:

  • Leaderboard for Cycle with wallet / points shown
  • Profile settings where you can set your default unit of measurement to kilometers or miles. For today’s release, only km is supported.
  • For each activity in the activities screen, calculate how many ETH this activity earned you (activities for past Cycles) or will potentially earn you (activities for active Cycle, taking into account the current state of all wallets in buckets)
  • Share button for activities so you can brag on Twitter how much you are making on $BIKE and promote us, since volume is important to get awards going.
  • Redesign. We have a dedicated designer working on the product design now. The webpage is already redesigned and will be deployed soon. The app will also be adjusted to reflect the new branding.

Claiming your awards

To be able to claim your awards we are working on a separate smart contract that will enable us to keep track of your balances. Also, this contract will be used to retrieve ETH to your wallet.

The contract will be deployed on MAINNET during Cycle #0 so that we are ready to make a snapshot and that you will be able to claim your rewards.


For awards, a new Cyclepunk Awards wallet will be created. We will transfer 50% of funds from the marketing wallet into the Awards wallet before each Cycle begins. For each Cycle the total awards pool for the Cycle will be 50% of the Awards wallet balance.

For example, our marketing wallet balance at the moment of writing this is 8.264ETH. That would mean 4.1 ETH would be transferred into the Awards wallet, and of that, 2.05 ETH, or 50%, would be the total awards pool for Cycle #0.

This process will be automated after Cycle #0, but for now we fixed it to 2ETH for Cycle #0


Ok. The app is out now. First large milestone for $BIKE has been met. I really hope you will like what we have done so far and that together we will be able to make this project a huge success.

We will need your feedback so feel free to let us know what you think should be improved, or what should not be done at all, etc.

You can contact us via telegram ( or email for more detailed feedback (

So let’s start with Cycle #0. We wish you all good luck. Go out and make some ETH!



Cyclepunk Life ($BIKE)
Cyclepunk Life ($BIKE)

Written by Cyclepunk Life ($BIKE)

Cyclepunk is a unique blockchain project on a mission to make you FIT and RICH, all while making EARTH a better place to live in

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